Device Details


Name | Version: pjm-boss-gt-patches 2021.4.3
Author: pmuellr
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This is a Max for Live MIDI Effect device. It is used to set the current patch on a Boss GT-001 device. It may work with other Boss GT devices, but I only have the 001.

The User / Permanent buttons switch between the user editable patches and the system provided non-editable patches. The patch dial chooses the patch in that bank, from 1 - 200. The prev and next buttons will change the patch to the previous one - from 1 to 2, etc. The patch will rollover when using next at 200 or prev at 1, but will remain in the same bank. The resend button will send the current settings to the GT-001, if for some reason it's not synchronized with this device.

The patch settings should be sticky for the Live Set the patch is in. When you open the Live Set, it should send the saved patch to the device. If not, use the resend button.

Using multiple of these devices in a Live Set doesn't do what you think it might, if you wanted to have several patches preset in a Live Set, and switch between them easily. That's good fodder for another device, actually.

What this device is best for is browsing the patches live. Map the prev and next buttons to a MIDI footswitch, and you can the switch between patches to preview them with a foot press.

Since this is a Max for Lie MIDI Effect device, it needs to be added to a MIDI track. That MIDI track will need to have it's output set to go to the GT-001 MIDI port. I suggest creating a new track GT-001 with this device in it, and a MIDI Monitor device before and after it, disabled, but ready to help out for debugging if needed.

You can also set the input MIDI port to the same GT-001 MIDI port, in which case any changes you make to the GT-001 on the device itself, or via a pedal attached to that device, will be reflected back in this UI, and then saved. You would want to do this if you have a pedal connected to the GT-001 that already switches through the patches, and then have those changes saved in the Live Set.

I haven't played with somehow using this in an automated way. Perhaps possible?


Live Version Used: 11.0.2
Max Version Used: 8.1.10
Date Added: Apr 04 2021 16:47:47
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 77
License: None
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Device File: pjm-boss-gt-patches.amxd


Realized last night that it's pretty easy to set up a set of patches you can easily switch between, rather than manually "dialing in" ones you want. Put the effect in a rack, map the bank and patch params, and then you can create variations (Ableton 11) that point to different patches. You can then map the variations controls to something that would let you switch between the patches in each variation.

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