Device Details


Name | Version: Ableton Drummer Collection ONE 1.0
Author: IsotonikStudios
Device Type: MIDI Effect

The first MaxforLive device in the Ableton Drummer Collection ONE lets you toggle loops on/off in a Drumrack via included Simpler Instrument. If you are using a midi controller like an electronic drum kit this could come handy as you can easily re-pitch midi notes inside a midi track. Especially using electronic drums this device solves the big issue of “Note Off” messages usually being send from a few milliseconds to a max of a few seconds after the “Note On” message.

The Drumrack Toggle Loop device filters the “Note Off” from external midi and just uses the “Note On” messages and converts those to Note On and Note Off alternately. This way loops will be toggled on and off.

How to use?

Just place the Drumrack Toggle Loop on a MIDI track in front of a Drumrack instrument and all incoming notes not will trigger samples/loops in a toggle mode, meaning every hit, push or Note On will trigger a Note On and Note Off alternately.

Polyphonic and Monophonic mode

Per default all pads are set to polyphonic mode – this means as many loops as you wish (up to 128) could be played at the same time. But as you want to create some music here you might want to have not all loops playing at the same time. You can archive this by activating the “M” which stands for monophonic mode. Of all pads where the “M” mode is activated only the last one triggered will play and automatically turn off the loop before which was in “M” mode as well.

All other loops which aren`t set to “M”/monophonic mode won`t be affected.

Individual note pitches

You can change the incoming velocity of every Midi note to a pre-set velocity. This can translate to the playback volume of your sample/loop. When you active the “V” (Velocity) button on a pad this function is activated for this individual pitch. A field for putting in a pre-set velocity value will be now shown, where you can edit the outgoing velocity.


The “Drumrack Tuner” lets you change the pitch of incoming MIDI notes to (edit-able) note pitches to use in conjunction (not only) with Abletons Drumrack.

How to use?

Just place the Drumrack Tuner on a MIDI track. in front of a Drumrack instrument.

Re-pitch incoming & Outgoing MIDI notes

Under each pad you can edit the note pitch value, which will be re-pitched to the right pads note above.

You can change the outgoing triggered pitch of each drum pad individually with the same techniques like just described before for the incoming midi notes. This will make sense if you use Drumrack sample presets which are not having all samples in the the same 4 x 4 pad format.

(Un-) blocking all other note pitches

In some use cases you might want to block all other incoming notes which are not being re-pitched by the MaxforLive device. By this you can avoid conflicting note pitches, triggering the same fields with different pads/keys/e-drums.

Per default all non-selected notes pitches are not being send “THROUGH”. If you wish to have all notes to pass through you can just click on the “THROUGH” button to turn this function on.


The “Impulse Tuner” lets you change the pitch of incoming MIDI notes to the required pitches for triggering Abletons Impulse. Those pitches consists of a C major scale starting from C3 (C3, D3,E3, F3, G3, A3, B3 + C4).

As those pitches are fixed to trigger the 8 fields of the Impulse you can’t change the outgoing pitches in this Max for Live device but change the note pitches of incoming midi notes real quick and save this as a preset in your User Library.

How to use?

Just place the Impulse Tuner on a MIDI track. in front of an Impulse instrument.


The “Toggle All Notes” lets you toggle loops on/off in a Drumrack via included Simpler Instrument. If you are using a midi controller like an electronic drum kit this could come handy as you can easily re-pitch midi notes inside a midi track.

Especially using electronic drums this device solves the big issue of “Note Off” messages usually being send from a few mili-seconds to a max of a few seconds after the “Note On” message.

The “Toggle All Notes” device filters the “Note Off” from external midi and just uses the “Note On” messages and converts those to Note On and Note Off alternately. This way loops will be toggled on and off.

How to use?

Just place the Toggle All Notes on a MIDI track in front of a Drumrack instrument and all incoming notes not will trigger samples/loops in a toggle mode, meaning every hit, push or Note On will trigger a Note On and Note Off alternately.


The penultimate MaxforLive device in the Ableton Drummer Collection ONE lets you trigger cycles of up to 5 midi note pitches from up to 8 trigger notes. Possible use cases vary from cycling via different drum samples e.g. from one resampled acoustic drum, triggering short melodies or triggering different sounds in a row/cycle via just one incoming Midi note e.g. from an (eletronic drum) pad or button from an external midi hardware controller.


The Simple Step Sequence device lets you step through a midi note sequence of up to 8 (the”Long” version up to 32) notes pitches triggered by one incoming midi note from one certain pre-set pitch.

How to use?

Just place the Simple Step Sequence device in front of an Ableton instrument e.g. a Grand Piano Sampler preset.

Set the trigger note -  Under “Trigger” you can set the note pitch which will trigger the sequence.

Set the number of steps - Under “Steps” you can set the number of steps/notes for the sequence to step through.

Note Pitches:

You have 3 ways to edit the note pitches of the sequence:

Individual - You can set individual pitches just right in the pitch box for every note

Scale - You can set the sequence to a certain scale. Pick the root note and a scale and the sequenze will be set to this.

ClipNotes import - Select notes you want to import in a midi clip, while keeping those notes selected go back to the Simple Step Sequence device and click on the  “Get” button on the bottom left.

You can decide if you want to use your live-playing/triggering velocity or if you want to use a preset

You have 3 options to edit the pre-set velocity:

Set a fixed velocity for all notes - check the “Set Fixed Velocity” box. This will activate all “Set” velocity boxes for all notes as well as de-select all when turned off. The velocity value box is now activated and you can put in your desired values. If active changes will change all individual velocity boxes for all notes.

Set a fixed velocity for individual notes - You can activate the pre-set velocity function for every note/step of the sequence individually by (de-) activating the boxes next to each pitch field on the right. This will (de-)activate the velocity value box for each note, where you can put in your desired velocity values.

Import the velocity when you import note pitches from a midi clip - When you import midi notes from clips you can import their velocity values as well. For this you need to turn on the “Velocity” box next to the ClipNotes “Get” button before you import the notes. By default turning on this box will as well switch on the “Set Fixed Velocity”/ all pre-set velocity boxes for each individual note.
Through functions:

Trigger Note - In some use cases you want the “Trigger Note” which is used for triggering the step sequence being send to the instrument to trigger a sound/note as well. You can (de-) activate this function via the Trigger Note “Through” button.
Reset Note - This works the same like for the trigger note. For this function the ‘Reset-by-Note’ needs to be activated.
Non-Selected - If you have a midi track where you just want the notes from the selected sequence notes to trigger sounds you can block all other notes coming into this track via having the “Through” button deactivated. This way only the notes selected in the sequence will get ‘through’ = trigger sounds. If you have more then one midi effects on one track which are triggering/for creating sounds you can activate the “Non-selected Through” button if you need other notes to pass through.


Live Version Used: 10.1.18
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Sep 30 2022 11:49:33
Date Last Updated: Sep 30 2022 11:50:30
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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