Device Details


Name | Version: SA-X Floating Mixer Collection 8 16 24 32 48 Trks 2.3
Author: SonicAlchemyst
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: SA-X Series Floating Mixer Collection
(8, 16, 24, 32 or 48 tracks)
Simpler. Faster. Even more efficient workflow.

Now include Relative faders for Touch Screens

Welcome to the SA-X Series Floating Mixer Collection for Ableton Live

IMPORTANT NOTE: The SA-X Series requires Max For Live 7.0 +

BEST BUY: SA-X48 will get you all 20 plugins

~New Features in 2.3~

The SA-X Version 2.3 sees a complete rebuild.

The upgrade may not look much, but the changes are huge. Under the hood this version has been completely rebuilt. The SA-X plugins are much faster and more responsive.

MIDI Mapping
I have implemented a simpler, faster and more reliable MIDI mapping method, removing the need for the StudioLive MIDI mapping switching. There were some MIDI mapping issues with Ableton 11+ that have been addressed in this upgrade.

~ Updates ~
Track Data Flow
Track data flow engine has been completely rebuilt for faster and smoother response.

MIDI Mapping
MIDI mapping and external control have been rolled into a faster more efficient system that works more reliably.

MIDI Mode: StudioLive
The StudioLive function in previous versions has been removed with faster and smoother MIDI mapping functionality.

Auto Load Button
The Auto load button action has been revised to decrease load time.

Presets load faster and can be more easily controlled from and external controller. Saved presets will be loaded when a project is reopened in Ableton.

Solo Reset and Arm Reset Buttons
Solo Reset and Arm Reset Buttons can be MIDI mapped.

Information Window
Now includes update information.

Track Pan
Displays pan L-C-R numbers.

Group Track Display
Group tracks are now clearly indicated.


~ Introducing the SA-X Series ~

The SA-X is a collection of 4 customizable Max4Live plugins for Ableton Live that gives you a fully functional floating mixer, fader only mixer, meter bar and Aux Send mixer; enabling you to have the mixer functions available in the arrange window, or open on another screen.

SA-MX : Mixer
SA-FX : Fader only mixer
SA-VX : Meter bar
SA-AX : Aux Sends and Returns mixer

The SA-X comes in 8, 16, 24, 32 or 48 track versions.
Each track has 8 Aux Sends.

~ Purchasing Choices ~

BEST BUY: SA-X48 will get you all 20 plugins

Depending on the version that you purchase, you automatically get all the smaller versions, which enables you to choose different size projects and requirements.

eg. If you purchase the SA-X24 you get the 8, 16 and 24 track versions; thus 12 plugins.

~ Features of the SA-MX, SA-FX, SA-VX and SA-AX ~

Tracks: 8, 16, 24, 32 or 48
Aux Sends: 8
Return Tracks: 8
Window Scaling: 50 - 100%
Linear / Stacking modes: Switch mixer between a linear or stacked layout for monitor space saving (24, 32 and 48 tracks versions).
Float Mode: Enables the floating SA-X to be opened and closed between virtual desktops.

Transport Controls: Play, Stop, Record, Automation tracking.
Project Information: Clock / Tempo /Bars & Beats
Auto Track Select: Fill the mixer automatically with tracks from your project.
Custom Track Select: Select the tracks you want in the mixer.
Track Color Switch: Project colors or silver
Track Selection Reset: Clears all channels in the mixer removed selected tracks.
Global Controls
Fader Zero Reset: Sets all track faders to zero dB.
Fader - ∞ dB Reset: Sets all track faders to - infinity.
Meter On/Off: Switches all the tracks meters on or off.

MIDI Mapping
Control the mixer from your external MIDI Controller.

Snapshots & Presets
Speed up your workflow with mixer snapshots and presets.

Track Details
Track Name Selection: Select the track using a drop-down track name list.
Track Number Selection: Select the track using the project track number.
Meters: Displays the VU and Peak track levels.
Meter On/Off {Freeze}: Switch on and off (freeze) track meters.
Pan: Pan track audio left and right
Volume Fader: Control the volume level of the track.
Fader Zero Reset: Reset the volume fader to 0dB.
Track Activator: Switch the track on and off.
Solo: Solo the track.
Global Solo Reset: Un-solo all tracks that are soloed.
Record Arm: Arm the track.
Global Record Arm Reset: Un-arm all tracks that are armed.
Ableton Current Track Selector: Select the track in Abelton and jump to it in the session view.
Automation Indicators: Show tracks that automation in them, and tracks with automation over-ride.
Automation Reset Buttons: Resets all tracks back to automation from automation over-ride.

~ Software Requirements ~

Ableton Live 9.0 +
Max For Live 7.0 +

~ Hardware Requirements ~

These plugins were all built and tested on a 2012 Mac. They should work quiet happily on any hardware newer than that. :)

** Additional Information **

----- 2.2.1 Updates & Fixes ———
~ Updates ~
Plugin Float Mode

Relative fader values
Desiged to now work seamless with touch screen.

Ableton Current Track Selector and Grouped Track Selector
Select tracks in the project even if they are in an unfolded group.

Return Track Selection
Return tracks can now be selected as well

~ Fixes ~
MIDI tracking is bi-directional
If changes are made in Ableton directly while in Live MIDI mode, those values are reflected back to the SA-X

Live MIDI mapping mode on PC’s
The faders now work correctly on the PC when in Live MIDI Mode

Meter button on/off
Meter ON/OFF indicator is now displaying correctly when the plugin is loaded, and the Meters are off to save CPU.

----- 2.2 Updates ———
Track Faders Relative Values
This allows for smooth control using touch screens.

Snapshots and Presets
Snapshots and Presets combine to expand the versatility of the SA-M. They enable multiple mixer configurations, that can be saved as presets. The presets can be loaded into the current project any other Ableton project.
A Snapshot stores the current mixer configuration: the tracks and return tracks that are currently in the mixer. The SA-M can have 8 snapshots.
Each Preset contains the 8 mixer snapshots. Presets can be saved for later use, overwritten, loaded into other projects.

Midi Mapping
Control parameters in Tracks, Return Tracks and the Master Track can be mapped to an external controller using the MIDI Mapping function in Ableton.
Fader Width Increase
The width of the active area of the Track Fader, Return Track Fader, and Master Track fader have been increased for easier use on touch screens. There is no visible difference to the UI.

Tracks That Are Folder in A Group
When a track is in a folded group (the track is not visible) the meters on that track are not displayed. The meters will be automatically visible again when the Group is unfolded.

Group Tracks
A group track does not have Arm and Arm Reset buttons.

Information Window
Clicking on the SA-M Logo opens up the plugin information window.

Linear / Stacking (SA-M32 and SA-M48 only)
The Linear / Stacking feature is available in the larger SA-M32 and SA-M48.
The Lin/Stack switch turns the mixers from stacked mixers into linear mixers.

Project Information
Clock / Tempo /Bars & Beats have been added to the transport

----- 2.1 Updates -------
** Functionality Updates **

~ Track Selection ~

Track Name List
- The name list has been increased from 127 to 255 to allow for very large projects.
- The font size has also been increased for easier readability.

Track Number
- The maximum track number has been increased from 127 to 256 to allow for very large projects.

~ Return Track Selection List ~
- The font size has also been increased for easier readability.

~ Ableton Project Track Selector ~
- All tracks can now be selected regardless of being in a closed group or not.

- Added extra selection button bar to the left of the track slot.
In this example the button bar displays under the db values to the left of the track fader.

~ Ableton Project Master Track Selector `
Ableton Project Master Track Selector button and button bar buttons have been added to the Master Track.

** UI Updates **

Track Title
- The blue surround has been removed for clearer visibility of the track title.


Live Version Used: 9
Max Version Used: 7
Date Added: Dec 29 2022 01:30:34
Date Last Updated: Mar 20 2024 02:34:09
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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