Device Details


Name | Version: SA-X8 Lite 8 Track Floating Mixer Collection 2.0
Author: SonicAlchemyst
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: The SA-X Lite Collection is a free plugin collection which includes:

- SA-M8 Lite Mixer
- SA-F8 Lite Faders
- SA-V8 Lite Meter Bar

These plugins are also available individually here:

These plugins a simplified version of the SA-X series which have a whole load more features and functionalities.

Upgrade to the SA-X Pro Collection starting only $10, get all these amazing features, and support me in making more plugins (including free ones). :)

~ Extra Plugin in the SA-X Series ~
- SA-AX: Aux Send Mixer with 8 Aux Sends and 8 Return Tracks

~ Extra Features in the SA-X Series ~
- 8, 16, 24, 32, and 48 Tracks
- Custom Track Selection
- Track selection Reset
- 8 Aux Sends
- Automation Indicators
- Automation Reset Buttons
- Relative faders for touch screens
- Fader Zero Reset
- Fader: - ∞ db Reset
- Meter On/Off Freeze
- Project Track Selector
- Project Track color
- Plugin Window Scaling
- Ableton Transport

Enjoy the plugins.

Sonic Alchemyst

** Additional Information **

~ Ableton Live Group Track Data ~

When a group is folded in the project, Ableton does not generate individual track output level data. The output data is not being shows in the project.

This means that track meters of for tracks in the mixer will not show any meter values either until the group is unfolded.


Live Version Used: 9
Max Version Used: 7
Date Added: Dec 29 2022 04:15:29
Date Last Updated: Sep 19 2023 04:22:23
Downloads: 182
License: None
Average Rating (1)

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Device File: SA-X Lite


Thanks alot for the device, it’s very nice! I m using the M8 Version because it shows everything.

Although it’s very good as it is right now, please let me put some Feature ideas here:

- let users save the windows position (and size), so when re-loading the project, the window appears where it was saved! In my case (M8 lite) it does not open automatically and when I open it via the m4l button, it is not at the same Monitor-position where I put it last time.

- save display space by removing the space next to the master-fader, which is only blue-color-background. Move the "SA M8 Lite"-Logo to the bottom below the Masterfader, to save display-space.

- resize-able Window-size Edit: oh i found out this is available in Pro version, nice.

- deep customization. I know this feature would change everything, because then you would sell a “all in one” solution, which potentially can be every kind of mixer. You could show/hide anything you like in the m4l device, like Buttons, Faders, Meters, Knobs, Labels. For example, I never use and need “Pan” knobs, so they are a display-waste for me.

- You also could add a additional, optional row for controlling Sends, not via knobs but Faders for better Touchcontrol, (maybe this is in SA-X already, but I couldn’t see)

- an additional option to put Faders and Meters together (like in the Ableton Mixer, but done better). This would save a lot of display space and also could stay fully functional, if done correctly. Let me give an example of how this could look, in this video beginning with 14 seconds:

- being even more touch-friendly, the click-able region of the Fader has to be really big, even if the Fader-graphic in the GUI is small

Please be sure that your device is already appreciated as it is, gave it 5 stars, thank you a lot!
Hi nowiamone,

Thank you for your feedback. i'm happy that your are appreciating the plugin and my work.

I'm always working to add more features, and I thank you for your suggestions. Feature upgrades are most likely going to be in the full/Pro versions of the plugins that I build as.... well.... bills have to be paid. :)

To respond:
"- let users save the windows position (and size), so when re-loading the project..."

Great suggestion. I'll add that to the upgrade list. :)
Save Size, position and auto-open.

"- save display space ....."

Thanks. Yes. Saving display space is always good. I'll try this one out. Look and feel are also important to give some space for the eyes to breath. (That's the graphic designer talking). :)

"- resize-able Window-size"

Yes. Resizing the window is a feature in the full version of all of my SA Series plugins.

"- deep customization."

Funny you should mention that. I'm already working on a customizable feature set, starting with being able to switch the larger 32 track and 48 track mixers from the stacked position to a linear, more traditional, mixer layout.
Being able to show and hide features, and move them around, is definitely something I'll be looking into in more detail. :)
Thank you for the suggestion. :)

"....optional row for controlling Sends, not via knobs but Faders.....

Great suggestion. I have a large touch panel monitor and faders are definitely easier to use that knobs. I totally get that one. :) Hmm!! Definitely noting that one on the list. :)

"... being even more touch-friendly, the click-able region of the Fader has to be really big"

Totally get it, and noted. Added to the update list. :)

Thank you once again for you feedback.

Sonic Alchemyst

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