Device Details


Name | Version: Noise Hat 2.0
Author: opticon93
Device Type: Instrument
Description: Hi,

This is a Hi Hat instrument made from a Noise Source. This can be either White or Pink Noise.

The noise source goes through a filter. You can control the Frequency as well as the Resonance.

In addition, there is a drawable Amp Envelope. You can drag the points up or down. Click anywhere to add a point. Shift-Click on any point to remove it. I recommend always having the last point at zero (bottom right), otherwise it will continue to sound.

Press the Hat button to hear what it sounds like.


Update: Hi, I went a bit crazy and added selectable 12 or 24db slopes to the filter. Additionally, the filter can now be Low Pass, High Pass or Band Pass.

Update: I decided to make the Duration selectable by Key. C plays 128n, D plays 64n ... B plays 2n.


Live Version Used: 11.2.7
Max Version Used: 8.5.2
Date Added: Jan 21 2023 00:50:10
Date Last Updated: Jan 28 2023 02:13:10
Downloads: 318
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: NoiseHat.amxd

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