Device Details
Name | Version: | ModuloMidiCc 1.2 |
Author: | dric |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | Envelope modulated by LFO or automation. All points is modulable. --------------------------------------- Modulo is in three blocks, far left, the time of the envelope in ms or value of notes and the enveloppe. In the middle, the part of preset. And at Right, the LFO for morphing the presets of enveloppe.. (1 to 10) For insert new point: click for remove a point : shift click Once your envelope to create, to save on a preset. Modify your envelope and save again. Ect ect Adjust the numbox preset, by example: If you have saved four first presets and that you want morphed, adjust the "presetnumbox" of 1 has 4 and morphed with the " preset morph " slider. You can automate the presets with Lfo includes or automation. This envelope is almost alive. :) --------------------------------------- Escuse for my english. :) |
Live Version Used: | 8.2.5 |
Max Version Used: | 5.1.8 |
Date Added: | Aug 29 2011 15:44:27 |
Date Last Updated: | Jul 24 2012 10:43:41 |
Downloads: | 1037 |
ⓘ License: | None |
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Device File: | ModuloMidiCc.amxd |
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