Device Details


Name | Version: Hold Note 1.0
Author: haridaniel0
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Hold's midi notes.

Similar like "Ben Soma MIDI Note Hold", but has more features:
- Holding single notes. (Single)
- Releasing holded note with same note (Toggle)


Live Version Used: 10.1.43
Max Version Used: 8.1.11
Date Added: May 13 2023 13:33:06
Date Last Updated: May 13 2023 13:41:57
Downloads: 430
License: None
Average Rating (1)

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Device File: Hold-Note.amxd


It does the exact thing it's supposed to do.
thanks for sharing. simply lovely.
This is a great device and its helped me a lot. I have added additonal functionality to make it stop the held note when i apply aftertouch of a certain velocity, quite useful. There is one question I have, it seems that when you press down a key, and then press down another key whilst pressing the first it will sustain both notes, this is somewhat useful but it would be better if it could be controlled with a toggle switch. The single note functionality is supposed to do this, but it seems that when one note is depressed and then any additional notes triggered will also be sustained. Could you perhaps advise on how to change this?

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