Device Details


Name | Version: 4096 WaveTable Mouse Drawer 0.4
Author: weightausend
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: WaveTable Mouse Drawer lets you quickly draw 4096 sample-sized, integrated wavetables with a [0...1] amplitude range, to be used in conjunction with my other W.I.S.E., ULTRACHOP and MIDICHOP devices - or anywhere else (modular or granular synths). You can then export the waveform to a .wav file.

To use it:

1. drag the device onto a midi or audio track. (it passes audio through so no worries)
2. draw a wavetable in the grey area.
3. Smooth it out using the Hamming or Triangular functions
4. Normalise it using the bottom left number box
5. press "integrate" to produce the waveform - make sure that the tiny display above this button gets populated. It needs 1 or 2 seconds to finish its calculations.
6. press "save" to save the waveform in a .wav file.

If you want, press "check" to test the precision of the integration: the nearer the value to 2048 is (displayed in the pink box below), the better the wave will perform in W.I.S.E.
(usually values in the 2047.0-2049.0 range are fine.)

You can then load these waveforms into W.I.S.E. or ULTRACHOP or MIDICHOP by clicking on the LOAD_WAVE or LOAD buttons.

You can also load a .wav and integrate it with or without drawing or just edit it.

You can also use these integrated waves anywhere else. They work well for amplitude modulation and unipolar control of parameters or automations.

*The patch integrates the waveforms following discrete sum of amplitudes and normalisation. The process is explained here:

v0.2 - removed drag&drop function that essentially broke the device
v0.3 - reverted drag&drop function, now there's a (!) button to reset the buffer state in case you drag&drop a sample longer than 4096 samples, added LOAD button to load wave from the system
v0.4 - added smoothing function and normalisation numbox


Live Version Used: 10.1.18
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Oct 08 2023 08:14:04
Date Last Updated: Feb 27 2024 14:55:12
Downloads: 227
License: AttributionNonCommercial
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Device File: WaveTableDrawer 0.4 by weightausend.amxd

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