Comments by AOpsyche

os: win10
live: 11 suite (max for live built-in)

clicking init. patch doesnt do anything. all of the other buttons on the max device function properly, but functions mapped to the push 2 are not available.

it's probably a niche bug happening on my end. if you get more reports in the future and want to pursue more information for this case, i'll be happy to gather more.
love this device, thank you!

it doesnt look like there's official live 11 support, and i'm not sure if you intend to update any time soon. this was the best place i could find to submit a bug report.

in my experiences with live 11, this device will properly initialize on one project per instance of ableton. if i load it in one project, i cannot open another save and load it there - the device will do nothing. the first time i load this device in a single instance of ableton is the only time the device will work, and it will continue to work until i load another ableton project. it does not need to be on the first project loaded in order to work, it just needs to be the first time it was initialized within that instance of live 11.

for my current workflow, this doesnt present much issue, but i imagine it could be a deal breaker for some.