Comments by BG23

Any chance this will be available again in the future? :(
WOW this is cool!!
This is GREAT!
Wow great device!!
Thank you for the constant free updates, really appreciated.
Wow really useful, thank you!!
This is GREAT!! Many thanks Xstaassen
There are some readability issues with different colors/themes, but the sound is great!
Wow this is great!
Wow interesting! One question: is the output only mono?
Nevermind, I opened M4L and changed colors myself, time to learn this stuff :D
Thanks again for the device!
Hi, really handy device thanks! Unfortunately with my Live's color settings I can't read anything, is this fixable?
@oidar You need to download the two zip "bach" and "dada" here unzip and put the two folders in Documents\Max 8\Packages (at least on Windows, don't know on Mac), then you should be able to use it as shown on the tutorial
This is sooooo great!! Thank you
Hi, this looks so cool! Could you please explain in details the various parameters? For example, what are these "200" numbers (range 0-1000) near the notes? Thank you
This is soooo great!!
I'm only viewing 3 presets, all the 2.1's ones are missing, am I doing something wrong?
I have a folder with the .amxd and the 3 .ask files.
Thanks for the update!!
This is great!
This is great!! But we need a proper manual please :D
this device is great, thank you
yeah, this is superb!
what about perlin noise? It would be interesting to add if you can
Black/blank window?? It doesn't work
Great device, thank you for the fix on the relaunch!
I've noticed the horiz zoom is less responsive than in Futility II, is it for the different coding?