Comments by ChanceD11

Great device thanks! Any chance you would be willing to update it to display the BPM in large letters? Ableton has such a tiny BPM display it's impossible to read onstage. And if you're opening the hood anyways.. how about the ability to change the colour?
This is useful, thanks! How could I change this to automatically turn off the previously latched note when I press the new one?

I have 16 drum loops (4 bars each) set up in a drum rack. Your patch lets me latch each loop effortlessly.

Except I have to remember which key I'm looping every time I launch a new loop, and UN-latch it.. getting the timing just right for the on/off switching is tricky.

How can I have each incoming midi note clear the previous latch automatically? Any assistance or advice would be appreciated.. I don't program m4L yet.. :)
ok i got it going.
note to noobs.. you have to download a vst instrument to make this work..
Kinda negates the time and expense i've put into tweaking all my delicious patches in Ableton and outboard gear.
Now that it's working.. too bad about the latency.
Otherwise great!

Can anyone tell me how to add a dials to do the following customizations:
1. Octave. To make the device send midi notes that are up or down by a set amount of octaves. Or you could do individual notes I guess.. I'd rather be able to make it in octaves.

2. set range of input and output - to set the lowest and highest note input and the lowest and highest notes output.. Let's say i'm putting a mic on a block of wood, or drum skin.. where your exact pitch tracking will happen in a very small range.. say a half-octave. But say you want it to trigger midi notes that span like.. FIVE octaves.. that would be cool. get it?

3. chance. Could you randomize the pitch selection? Or have degrees of randomness?

4. scale type. also before randomizing, maybe you could select what type of scale tones to choose from. Let's say choice one would be pentatonic.. the other a blues scale, the other the major scale, minor, arabic.. etc..

Please help me get it going, i have spent several hours today, and just can't make it work.

Okay so I have max for live installed and working.
I put a microphone on channel one.
I downloaded your AuDi 1.1.0.amxd and dragged it into ableton.
I dragged it to track one.
I downloaded crystal soft synth, tried everything but cannot get it going.
installed dmg file. then it goes to a pkg file, which i installed successfully.
But now i have no idea where the synth is located in order to start it.
However i followed the website's instructions to download and saved additional fxb files under library, app support.. and created folder called Crystal, CrystalPatchBanks and CrystalSoundFonts.. as per instructions..
But never mind the Crystal soft synth, I managed to download another VST synth called Ticky Clav.
(can your program be run within Ableton, or do I have to have a VST synth?)
So anyways I found Tick Synth under my plug in folder, and double clicked it.
But now I don't know what to do, or how to set up the channel to send the mic to midi info to the VST synth.
I set up the channel exactly as your picture.
Can you give me any help?
I opened up your patch in Max and saw that the audio was converting to midi just fine (represented by the keyboard notes appearing)..
So how can I get it to make sounds?
Your help is greatly appreciated..