Comments by Crampe

It's always been in a rack in my template and I never had any initialization problem, nor did I get other report about this.

AFAIK, with Shortcut Buddy you first need to save racked presets. This isn't the case with LoadeR.
Other than that, LoadeR is way cheaper.
Yeah I'd love that too, but it's not currently possible (as you know it's only possible in Live when Exporting)
@Raisingwolwes, can you email me please so we can find what's happening. I didn't have any other complain, so this is something on your system, no doubt about it.
Just answer to your gumroad receipt and it'll go straight to my inbox.
my comment above was just a couple of "mind-blown" emojis btw
This is genius!
🤯 🤟
Yeah, that's what the left/right/last selector is for, i.e to the left/right of the currently selected device, or last to always be inserted as the last device of the current chain.
It doesn't seem to work... but it erased every Options.txt content for every Live version on my system.
Could you email me please, it'll be easier to communicate. It's really something on your end, I've not other report about this. Since you updated Windows, it's possible that you lost what's inside the device if you opened it up and unfrozen it at some point in the past. But let's email (you can find my email on your receipt)

Everything is still working as expected here. I guess you'll have to question what changed on your system between now and 3 days ago as I'm unfortunately not equipped with a crystal bowl at the moment (I heard there's a shortage on the production line)
Sorry I dropped support for eCo as it's been pretty much useless over the years and computers now being savage beasts.
But I'll look into it and check what's happening; i'm not giving deadlines though.
Can you email me, it'll be easier to investigate. If you answer to your Gumroad receipt it should get to me.
Are you using Live fullscreen? If yes, right-click the Live icon in the Finder, and make sure it isn't set to a specific Dekstop/Space, i.e make sure it's set to "None".
@Fuzz77 and Wilcofan:
not possible, sorry.
Looks like the footswitch port isn't released correctly when removing the device from the set. Live and/or Push2 needs to be restarted.
That wasn't a "?" but a laughing emoji btw ( doesn't accept these, apparently)
Wow! I think you deserve the meta award!
Finally a M4L wrapper that makes sense 😂

Yes, an update for L12 will be available for its release (or a bit before can fight my laziness!). It mostly works though with the latest PAM version, but since Live/Push is now using Shift+Session to save a set this is breaking the mode switching of PAM.

A P3 version is also on the way.
Someone experienced this recently, and the reason was they were using a custom Theme. Is this your case?
@Braduro, thx for your message!
I've put so much energy in order to discover what was DrMs unique processing trick, it feels good to read comments like yours.

The differences you noted are correct and are designed choices, except for the auto-gain which I preferred not doing rather than not doing it correctly (this is more complicated than it seems).

Please spread the word!
Great news Maxime! Seems like your english has fall appart, though :-p
(is "has fall appart" even correct btw?)
Panning is not a clip but a track property, so it has to be automated at the track level (or with a Utility), there's no way around it.
My Futility v4 device has a floating mixer window though, it exposes the currently selected track's mixer, so you can set your panning from it (it's not made to create automations, though).
Look closer ;-)
The post-mixer uses resample routing (i.e the Master output) because it's actually post-mixer + returns; so the track is soloed before recording.
Resample Mode doesn't solo any track, so the routing also is "resample" so that you can BiP multiple tracks.

I feel like this explanation isn't very clear!

As mentioned several times in the comments here, unfortunately M4L doesn't allow editing several clips simultaneously...
I wrote on my TODO list to do a device with the same exact purpose and options, like 2 hours ago!
So nice one comrade, I'm gonna have a rest instead :-)
If grabbing controls on P3 wasn't buggy we would even be able to implement a device that controls the currently selected clip, so that we'd only need one instance on e.g the Master rather than one per track.
BiP doesn't do any magic, it just automates a certain number of steps in a sequence.
So, the routing options are exactly the same options that you would choose if you were manually bouncing/resampling/recording the output of a track(s).

Post-mixer= sound is recorded after the volume fader of a track (knowing that the volume fader is the "last" bit of a track, it means that the effects of the track are included).

Post-effect= the FX are included, but the track's volume fader is ignored. The output volume (the recording's volume) is determined by the volume at the end of the FX chain.

Master/Resample mode= the sound is recorded at the output of the master.
This is because of the very unusual way the clip fader in Live is scaled, so when it goes below 0 the numbers aren't correct anymore.
Ableton is aware of this, but this is that way for so long that I'm not sure if they will change it anytime soon.
@ JonStap21
Are you bouncing a track that has analog emulation plugins?
The volume of the track is different?
Post VS pre-mixer?
There's a reason, but that is not BiP's process itself, as it's simply recording the output of a track.
Sure there's a solution, and it's provided 6 comments above ;-)
I'm copy/pasting:
"this just popped up for some users since the L11.2.10 update.
Which OS are you using?
The solution is to download the latest Max standalone on Cycling74's site, and then set is as your M4L "runtime" in Live's Preferences.
Sorry for the hassle, not my fault! ?"

But it's been fixed since then in Live because its bundled Max has been updated.
Just update your Live version to the latest one and you'll be fine (or follow the instructions above if for some reason you want to stick to an outdated Live version).

I emailed you ;-)
BTW, I wrote "and uploaded the device to P3S, which works perfectly" without a question mark (?), that's just an emoji that didn't like, apparently.
The device perfectly works on P3S.
Hey mate!
I've to spend more time with it; so far I'm not really into how the device sounds with too much gain but the crunchy sounds (which is what I'm searching for usually, as I'll drive with fuzz pedals when I want dirt) are definitely better than Amp, so kudos on this; we're not having the unrealistic "ghost crunch/distortion" that Amp has and that I can't stand.
The way Granite responds to dynamic is not very natural, but as I said I need to spend more time understanding how it behaves as I have the feeling that it's manageable with good settings... plus that's definitely THE topic with amp simulations (and amps in general) and so it's probably very hard to implement (I imagine you would need to stack more drive+eq stages, but I might be wrong).
I took a moment to quickly add parameters into a live.banks object and uploaded the device to P3S, which works perfectly 👍
I'll complete the Push parameter's mapping and I'll be very happy to send you the device if you want to share a Push-ready update.
Can't wait to try this one out!
Ableton (Softube's) Amp is definitely not able to give us realistic amp tones. It's great for many stuff and even for guitar if you need unrealistic tones, but not when you want a simple straightforward guitar amp sound.
Not a big deal to use a 3rd party plugin, but it's not an option on P3S; let's see if Granite sounds good and works on P3S.
This by design and nothing changed recently.

As per the User Guide:
"Select an audio clip, press the key(s) you’ve mapped. This will pop-up a window, UNDER YOUR MOUSE, with the clip’s gain/transpose fader/knob etc... "
@azaty: nope, that's not part of the current features set.
Hey Demian
I already got a few emails about users complaining that you're using the same name as my own Clip Gain device, that it's confusing etc...
Why not giving this page's title the same name as your actual device's name?
That'd be appreciated and show respect for others' work.
You've no idea how much I'd love this too!
But unfortunately these parameters aren't accessible by M4L atm...
I didn't change anything in this area, so I have no clue... Are you sure about this?
the midi crop feature only works in the detailed clip view/piano roll.
Let's say you selected a part of your midi clip (in the piano roll) and pressed cmd+L to loop this area, and you don't need to content outside of the loop brackets: that's where you'd use ClipGain's Crop button.
You have an instance of Granulator in your live set, right?
Make sure to update it to the latest version, they added an option to stop this Max Console window from poping up, this is a developer tool, this was left there by error.
As for the "errors", they have absolutely no impact.
I can't reproduce, and it's actually the 1st time I'm hearing about such issue.
Are you on Win or OSX?
Could you contact me via email, so we can sort this out?
Just answer to your Gumroad receipt and it'll go straight to my emails.

"- let us control the currently selected Tracks Fader (=Volume), with the option to set the Maximum value of the Fader, so the maximum position of the midi assigned controller Fader won't be forced to be +6db, but could also be +0. :)"
>> Interesting idea, will think about it.

- "- let us control the available Sends of the selected Track (or at least 3 Sends)."
>> It's already possible via the floating window ;-)
no, you don't have anything else to buy,
read this article that'll explain more precisely the steps I described earlier:

this just popped up for some users since the L11.2.10 update.
Which OS are you using?
The solution is to download the latest Max standalone on Cycling74's site, and then set is as your M4L "runtime" in Live's Preferences.
Sorry for the hassle, not my fault! 😉
That's beyond the scope of the device I'm afraid, sorry!

REX is an old file format. The REX warp option actually appears in Live too, but only when such a file is selected. I decided to keep it in my device in case someone uses this type of file ;-)
as a workaround you can use the dB value at the bottom instead, if you slide up/down from here you won't get any jump.
@lazlow Interesting! I don't have any Windows machine to test... but I'd be surprised such a different behaviour would exist between the two OS, that sounds like a serious UX inconsistency!
It's exactly the same behaviour as the clip gain slider in Live here... (and btw, I can't do anything about it, that's how those GUI are designed)
Which Live version are you using?
Would be interesting to link the forum discussion ;-)
thx for the heads up @AndrewBright
Pretty sure I can't do anything about it and that it's Ableton's side... fortunately there's no reason for not using any audio interface with a DAW so I'm pretty sure this is actually not a real issue ;-)
are you on OSX? Using Live in fullscreen?
I know, but atm I can't do anything about it. This is due to the unconventional way Ableton scaled the clips' gain fader. They're aware of this - they actually gave me this explanation - and they might or might not "fix" this in the future.
Yeah, I'd love to know, but M4L doesn't have access to this unfortunately.
Hey Axis08
Haha, well GUI...
I think pAnarchy and DocPhase are actually quite usable, but I definitely have a lot of devices with awful GUI.
L'habit ne fait pas le moine ;-)
So many plugins are 95% about pretty GUI, but under the hood they simply offer nothing... I'm not into this game, sorry.
thx for the suggestions
It's definitely not on my TODO list for ClipGain, but I'm taking notes.

- Bouncing multiple tracks individually isn't possible, but you can bounce multiple tracks together, though.

- Are you sure you're not hovering too hard? 😄
Hey @lolski
Sorry for the belated answer.
These are things I remember trying to implement, but I think I did hit a wall because of something not behaving as expected... but that was a long time ago I can't remember exactly.
I'll make sure to look at it again once I'll start working on the next update.
Once again brilliant Iftha!
Hi skltrxr
Yep, I'm now aware and it's a Live bug, actually.
I reported to Ableton, so let's hope they can fix this soon.
The device has no option to swap a device (you can use Live's hotswap feature though).

It's not expected that a new device will be created and added both to the right AND the left side of the selected one...
Are you sure LoadeR is sitting in your Master track (or a dedicated "Utility" track)?
Are you sure you don't have multiple LoadeR instances which don't have the same "insert position" setting?
I'm not sure I understand your question @Soundart001...
"follow the timeline"?? Do you mean on Push's screen? Like a having the Arrangement Overview displayed on the screen?
In this case the answer is no.
that's probably because you're using the Apple Silicon compatible version (PAM v2.1). Since you're running in Rosetta, please try the previous PAM v2.0 version and let me know if it solves your issue.
As mentioned several times in the comments here, unfortunately M4L doesn't allow editing several clips simultaneously...
I didn't get any report like yours.
Even though it worked with older Live version, why aren't you updating to the latest one (L11.1.6)?
You can edit the value down to 1st.
I just checked and it looks like you need to drag the number box with some more "force" than expected because otherwise it would get "stuck" at 7...
Not sure why it's happening, that's weird, but if you go up and down a couple times it'll work (or edit the dB number box and go back to the st one).
I'll have a look at this, no idea when it's started to happen.
@jinci: I don't fully understand, could you be more precise?
@iopapadopoulos: unfortunately M4L doesn't offer this option atm...
@Kilowlee: excellent ideas!
no MhZ, the Varaitions implementation in M4L doesn't offer this possibility as of today.
Yeah, if I remember well it has to do with the source/destination selector... which is a built-in M4L "object". You should experience the same issue with e.g Ableton's Surround Panner device.
if Record is enabled then the changes will be recorded to the rack's Macros yes.
don't worry, you'll get an email ;-)
the window appears at your current mouse position.

yeah, that's just a GUI bug, nothing to worry about, and it'll be fixed in the next update ;-)

Yep, the fix is dead easy: update your Granulator to the latest version, it offers an option to bypass this automatic popup window ;-)
Hey Ivancanalejo
thanks for pointing this out!
I updated the device but it looks like I forgot to update the gum road link indeed, stupid me...
Hey Lorenzzzzo
It's not the purpose of the device (and it's not going to be), but you're welcome experimenting with it ;-)
Dennis, that is simply awesome!
Now you just need to harass everyone at the office for this feature to be implemented in L12 :-)
No output...
Btw LWT, it'd be fairplay to at least use a device's name different to my own ClipGain device...
That's very misleading and I got complains about this.
Well, there's no reason to put it before a MPE Control instance, really! Unless you're talking about a rack where MPE Control is the first device?
I just sent an MPE compatible update. Check you inbox/spams or download it from Gumroad.
The point of this release was to make sure it is solid and user-friendly as possible.
Now we can start thinking about adding features ;-)
I'll check this.
Is it happening all the time or only in certain situations?
Sure, let's fix this asap!
That's an awesome news 11olsen!
write me an email by answering to your Gumroad receipt.
M4L devices don't have a "save as default" option. But the settings are saved by the Live Set, so yes, save it as part of your default template.
(of course, you'd need to set the device in your old sets, but I can't tdo anything about this)
Hey TruthOrDarren
Did you check LoadeR's user guide? There's a detailed explanation of how to set this up.
hey stefanroscovan,
a silicon version will be released as soon as possible, but it's not totally up to me.
The sooner the better but atm I can't give any deadline.
Hey prizzle9,
the time needed for your sound to be converted from digital to analog depends on your computer + sound card. Outist's processing doesn't add latency afaik, but you can't fight against the laws of nature that applies to get the waves out of your speakers. I'm surprised that you're seeing more delay compare to the External Audio Effect, but unfortunately I can't help here.
While it's possible to use Outist to send signals to physical output it was mainly designed to route stuff internally, so if you like External Audio Effect works best in some situations, just go for it ;-)
All these features are found in this version:
Very useful device... but it doesn't pass thru any other midi messages, not even notes, which is quite inconvenient (but an easy fix) ;-)
Hy Simonkang,
yes I'm aware. It's on my todo list for the next update ;-)
Not related to this device that I didn't download, but I love you buddy!
I think your pressing the button(s) with your mouse, right?
Maybe I didn't make it clear enough in the documentation, but BiP is meant to be used with key/midi mapped shortcuts, not to be used with the mouse... that would totally ruin the idea which is to improve workflows by giving a quick bounce-in-place (simply by pressing a dedicated key).

(FYI, since M4L GUI buttons have never been designed to be used as shortcuts, making them work this way requires a workaround... and this workaround makes pressing the buttons with the mouse not react as you would expect.)
To be more precise it's crashing L11.1b when running both in Silicon and in Rosetta mode.
No problem with L11.0.12 on the same machine.
Hey Maximes,
Are you aware that MDD_GDM is crashing Live11.1b on m1 Mac (running Big Sur here)?
It doesn't crash Max Standalone though.
hey discoparadis
Regarding LoadeR, it's not entirely up to me to make it fully m1 compatible, but I'm doing my best to make it happen as fast as possible.
hey markusschloesser,
Do you see my contact email in Gumroad?
that's probably because you're using VST3 I suppose. VST3 have a "soft bypass" (or whatever it is called) and L11 can benefit from this.
Haha, nice move ;-)
@Yentz: nope