Comments by Jaggfab

Thank you all for your suggestions !

Swing would be a really cool feature. I'll study how to implement it asap. The "clock" of the Drum-o-Box is the "Transportator" subpatch. Maybe I could change how the patch read the patterns and add a random +/- time offset on note play... I've to check that.

Changing the toggle behavior of the pads should also be possible.

Still trying to find the time to implement Launchpad full support, but I will not forget all these excellent suggestions.
I've received a lot of demands for a Launchpad version, and so I'm already on it.
But adapting Drum-o-Box to be compatible with Novation Launchpad seems to be a little bit more complex than I initially thought.
Pads adressing and observing is quite similar. However, I will have to change a few things, such as patterns launch pads , which are now located in the matrix, while with the APC40 they are on the stop clip buttons. This should be done easyly.
The real problem is to control the LEDs colors, wich is totally different as on the APC40. I'm studying a way to implement "drivers" for pads colors for both APC40 and Launchpad without reducing performance of the whole pacth. But if I see that it will take me too long, I'll simply publish a "Launchpad Edition" version of my patch.
Stay tuned !
I've just received a Novation Launchpad, and starting some tests on it. At first glance, I should be able to adapt Drum-o-Box to be compatible with the Launchpad too.
Expect an update in some weeks... as soon as I'll have some time to do it ! :)