Comments by ScruffyFox

@Krabmi Good suggestion! I have updated the devices to include an offset parameter
works perfectly thanks
I decided to write up a tutorial on how to modify patches to add Push support, and used this device as an example:

Hope that helps
@cparadisi simply open the patch and add a "live.banks" object, then ctrl+click it to open the window. from there you can add various parameters.

What I ended up doing was adding one live.dial for each step which when changed will bang into a pak object and then that's patched to the live.grid

I have a custom modified version of this but because it's a commercial patch, so I won't upload it anywhere but if you want you can email me and ill send you the modification piece - sans the rest of the patch
Awesome stuff! hope to see Replika-XT soon :)
Really nice device. shame it doesnt utilise live.banks for the push, but its easy enough to add yourself
This is GREAT! thanks for this, like @hatyn said, this will be extremely helpful for building my own push2 devices
This is great, is it possible to have a midi effect version rather than an audio plugin?
This is really cool but would be nice if it had a thru/mute toggle
@electrodaimon I think i managed to fix this by changing the "unit style" on the live.dial for curve from Int to Float
There is no way to download this device
Its good, but the curve window could be a lot better. Difficult to get precise values and would be nice if the curve was built into the device rather than as a separate window
I am also having issues with the macros not working when the track is being rendered. Works when playing in realtime.
Great device, but it seems like when transportation has started, it doesnt apply the current settings.

For example, having quantisation set to pass, the device will still quantise when stopping and starting until you enable and re-disable quantisation via the button
Doesn't work in arrangement view
EXACTLY what i've been looking for! fantastic thank you
This is absolutely fantastic. Shame its not built in, it unlocks so much macro potential