Comments by barstu

Hi I'm not sure unfortunately as I don't own either device. I can only assume it's because they are control surfaces and are interacting with the clips in a non-standard way.
Make sure akashell is the right architecture ie 64 or 32 bit.
Hi I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work as the scrubber looks for a human interface device. The Numark probably sends midi.
Sorry I don't know about v2 of the hardware.

Best I can do is say try it and report what happens, I can try my best to fix.

If you drop the scrubber into any track it and plug the hardware in it should 'just work'. let me know what happens.
There is a way to reverse this but why not just fire notes directly from a midi clip? One of the reasons I did this is because it gives you the flexibility of firing bank changes mid clip rather than only once per clip at the start.
Note Only the 1st stop cell press gets reproduced. This is because, in the API, every subsequent stop cell press does not return the source row index. To work around this use a blank clip to trigger cells across the psuedo group.
I've uploaded an audio version here
OK I've tried it with the beta and it still worked for me. I have a feeling it is the track dropdown. It is using a component that maybe wasn't included. I have frozen the amxd. Hopefully that will help.
Sorry to hear that, I just tried again on 8.2, mine isn't crashing. I'm gonna stick the beta on my machine later on so I'll try that.

Try the refresh tracks button? I'm guessing you have already.

This patch is a great idea, really want to use it. However I'm also struggling to get it working. I can't get viewsource to do anything. I've struggled to get other java devices working as well like the 'delete clip' patch (on this site for download) which also uses java.

Do we need to manually do something like copy a java or class file here? /Applications/Max5/Cycling '74/java/classes ?
Amazing device. Is there anyway to save the device mapping in the set? I am currently having to remap every time I open the set.