Comments by braindub

Hi there,

I should correct my previous post: the instrument selection (bd, sd...) remains after a project loading.
The problem came from my MIDI setup routing misconfiguration.
Hi Iban,

Thank you for this wonderful patch, nice and clean.

I love the three random section, will probably spend some time around.

One thing I noticed, is that each of my 16 Drum Rack pads patch should have their instrument selection (ex: 1 BD, 2 SD...) to manually set at each project loaded.
For me only the BD parameters (SYNTHESIS, EFFECT and ROUTING) is properly working at project loading.

I was wondering about the following possibilities:
- Split into 3 M4L patch to reach the SYNTHESIS, EFFECT and ROUTING at a finger tip within Push
(this avoid having to press on the patch Push bouton to go in and access the banks) ?
- Would it be feasible to have a dropdown list with all the kits that could be selected and remotely loaded into the machineDrum ?

Thanks for your work and the sharing.

Great work!

I was wondering if there is an alternative approach to the "live.remote" object for mapping parameters.
As "live.remote" mapping mechanism locks the parameter (grey out in live), it could not be controlled any longer by other controller devices.
I imagine "live.remote" as a way to control, at audio rate, the value of a device parameter.

On the other hand "" runs at Max data rate (less than audio rate, so less resource I guess) and could observe and set value of a device parameter.
I thought that would be enough to store (observe) and recall (set value) a list of devices parameters value.

I may have miss something along the way as "live.remote" seems most commonly used.
I am looking to a similar solution as Kapture, with a possibility to store devices parameters value within a clip (same way as you did).

Hi Keikusama,

While searching for a similar solution to that case I found your solution exciting: well done !
It works fine, however I face an issue more related to the nature of the solo function.
In my case, I use a single track for:
- my external instrument (I do not trig any particular midi, just used to send out the main stereo out from my drum machine)
- several pads sending specified midi note and CC (using some M4L patchs to automate external instruments parameters)

While the MUTE function works as a charm (it just mute the specific pad selected, as expected), the SOLO function is muting the pad containing the external instrument sending out the audio signal (> no audio!)
This is not an issue with your patch or Live, it's actually the expected behavior of a normal SOLO function: as per design.
Which let me think, I should rather contact Ableton to discuss about that or re-organize my live set structure and then use a separate track for my external audio (which is currently not possible).

I am not sure there is any thing I can do with either your patch or any M4L patch: Ableton will always mute ALL pad except the one selected when activating the SOLO function.
I will have to change my mind...

Nevertheless, good work!
Hi Nerk,

While building my TB-3 M4L, I discovered your posts on TB-3 and TR-8.
Regarding the TB-3, I also got some inspiration from "godbeat" on this web site; he found a way to navigate through the TB-3 sounds using CC0 and PGM.

I am now searching a way to save my TB-3 configurations (all CC + sound) within a Live MIDI clip (currently I could store and recall presets but from M4L GUI but I need to integrate that with Push encoders).
I will let you know what I come up with.

Thanks for sharing your patches.
Thank you for sharing this M4L device, I learned from your patch about the TB-3 sound change (through PGM and CC 0, I have clean up a bit this part from your patch).
While also getting inspired by nerk (TB-3 and TR-8), I will continue to see how to make a preset manager for TB-3 straight from M4L, once I will get a decent result I will let you know.

Thank you Kevin, good job!