Comments by drumbliss

This has been one of my favorite devices for so long, there's none quite like it.

Note to the author:
I discovered that when the "Time" parameter(s) are automated to change in a sloping fashion (as opposed to instantly), it causes massive CPU spikes / buffer overload. At first, I assumed that it might be from the time-calc readout under "Max Time", but when I removed that process in the Max-patch, the same problem remained.
Could you pin-point the cause in your device? If you're not able to create an update, I'd like to see if I can't fix this myself, as this is a device I literally can't live without, including automating the pitch :)

- Max
Great idea.

The "stop/rec/play" dial seems to start the transport when set to "rec", meaning I can only use this when the transport is active.

I also don't understand why the "solo" button is chaining the "dry/wet" dial to the "stop/rec/play" dial.
The image on version one includes a simple "x" for cancelling the mapping. Isn't there a simple way to include a plain "unmap" feature again?
Amazing device otherwise, don't know of any other that offers this functionality, including K-Devices' TED, etc.
There's a real need for this, I'd pay $$ for it.
Please fix! :)
Great device, works as advertised!
Very useful for my live performance project.
Thank you!!
Was looking forward to using this.
I have the following problems (using Live 9):

- target effects can be selected in the drop-down list, but no parameters are showing up on any of them in the menu below.

- the "Q" value in the filter can not be changed.

So I haven't been able to modulate anything with this.
Hopefully an easy fix. Looks promising.

Thank you.
just saw that you developed a new version, "r-chain III", can't wait to try it out.
(link: )

Thanks for your hard work, and beautiful music! Quite inspiring.
Viele Gr?sse von einem Schwarzw?lder im Exil,

Max Oepen (Spacebar)
Awesome device, been having a lot of fun with it.

Here's a bug I ran into and haven't found a workaround for:
Somehow the "mod out" values can affect the arrangement and cause extremely heavy loads on the CPU.

More specifically, when automating the "mod min" & "mod max" controls in Live arrangement view, the "mod out" value-changes cause the the "back to arrangement"-button to light up (even though there are no automation nor mappings on these "mod out" parameters.

Could it be that you have these "mod out" values linked in some way they shouldn't be?
