Comments by dsb

This works great for me now, something in the way live 12 handles automation fixed my previous workflow issue. love this for use with the peak.

nice one! like the sounds this makes thanks!
Thanks for the update. i am excited for this device. unfortunately i still have the same issue. it could be that i am doing something stupid but can anyone confirm or tell how to correct? when i record knob movments from the peak, it records both the cc and device automation, the device automation is then greyed out. unless i go into the midi track and delete the cc envelopes. any way around this?
Oh cool. Loving this device and it’s randomization features for programming the peak. And also getting the non cc automation lanes to show up in the arrange view. Thanks so much!
Question on workflow for using this device, is it possible to record automation from the peaks knobs? ut seems to create a conflict with the editors automation and the midi cc both being recorded then the editors atomation is disabled in live. is there a setting or workflow to bypasss the cc instead?
Disregard, Figured it out. Thanks again for the wonderful step sequencer!
Love this sequencer! thanks so much Rozzer for your great work. just one question, i cant figure out how to use the cc controllers section, am i missing something? i figure out a parameter's midi cc number under the midi mapping tab in live and then change the knob to that same number, nothing happens. any ideas?