Comments by hallmd

We have not generated demonstrations for our available devices beyond those used in academic research presentations, and this particular device is for a project that we have not yet conducted. Please know that the university secures all account information, and that the initial purpose of that information is to enable us to send a single e-mail to users should a major update happen to the device. The account also permits us to get a sense of the total number of users and the countries where people are using the product. We do not use account information for any other purpose. Should you still feel uncomfortable about sharing information, know that the account portal will accept any information. I also am willing to set up a web-based appointment should you first want to see it in action (which can get pretty frantic with the sequencer at higher settings on the speed control). I hope that this helps for now, and thanks for your interest in the device.
It is our pleasure; we hope the device can be put to good use. Do not hesitate to contact me should any questions arise concerning use or features.