Comments by jeroenliebregts

The weird thing is that for me it updates the midi port menu even when i'm pulling usb cables live. For the rest of you it doesn't update and just has in memory the last midi configuration that was used before uploading it..

Maybe you guys could find another m4l device that uses a menu with midi devices that DOES work on your system, let me know which one that is and I can see how it works and hopefully make mine work..
Windows won't work because lh_in and lh_out objects are not compatible. The midi port update problem i'm having a hard time with, i've copied it from another m4l device which was working well on my machine and it worked well here.. no not sure what's going on there..
OK, I might have found what went wrong there, please re-download, try again and report back!
Mhhh, never mind, that won't be a solution.. I was able to recreate your problem on my system but couldn't repair it. If i load the old version of the editor my midi device list will even update live when i'm pulling usb cords out and back in.. honestly I don't even know how it does that..! I will do some research on other m4l devices and how they handle midi port list updating..
Please re-download and replace the old one, and give it another try. The midi port updating problem is common but it's hard to solve since it works on my own computer.. let me know if this works!
Been checking it on Live 9 (32bit) and works just fine here!
Make sure the following setting on the TX81Z are correct (Utility menu):

- Exclusive: ON
- P.change: COM
- Receive CH + Transmit CH should be the same channel.

let me know if that works for you.
Hi Steve

Good to know about 32/64 bit.

i will try to look in to it using demo versions of live9 and max6 since i don't own those yet.

some questions:
-do you see your midi ports popping up in the menu on the left?
-did you connect your TX both ways to the computer using the same port number?
-did you select your midi channel to match the TX (even if it's channel 1 and it looks like it's already on it)


try updating lh_midiin and lh_midiout objects

i don't have ability to test it because i don't own live9/max6
Can someone using Live 8 / Max 5 confirm this editor works for them?
hey, i will look into it again soon.

it was made using Max5 and tested in live 8. The patch uses an external object lh_midiin and lh_midiout, which has a version for both max5 and max6. so i'm not sure if that could be a problem.. i know maxforlive in live9 works wih max6, so not sure if it will run max5 patches
try once more now please!
download and try again please!

Ok let me take another look at that. I thought had just solved this problem because it was working on another computer, and updating the midi port list perfectly... but somehow now it's not updating again. be back soon..
i don't know, i built it for myself and i only own the TX81Z