Comments by jksuperstar

Thanks! 32-bit "MIDI" over a single audio cable, brilliant!
Ok, I got it. I can use the Spark.IO module next to the Editable version. I just have an issue with the frozen one for some reason.

It also helps to have a clip selected ;)

It doesn't detect the drumrack automatically like it says, so I need a MIDI pitch shift to get it into range.

I like how it can jump from 1 8 step sequence to another in 1 button push. And it seems more responsive than the software from Arturia. Anyway...good work!
I opened the SparkLE.IO.003.amxd file, and that seems to connect! I can click on "Get SparkLE MIDI port", the whole SparkLE will light up, and then is selected in the drop-down. The drop-down list shows all the MIDI ports available to Ableton. The activity light blinks for "MIDI from SparkLE" when I turn the encoder, etc. "MIDI to SparkLE doesn't light up.

However, if I then open the Editable version, the drop-down list is all MIDI ports I've ever used on Windows. Every device ever connected (and registered in the registry), is listed. "Get SparkLE MIDI port" button doesn't seem to work. If I select SparkLE manually, all LEDs will blink once, however knobs and button hits don't show "MIDI from SparkLE" activity.

I didn't have time to debug the difference between these versions yet. I'll try to get more time with them this week.
I didn't have them open at the same time, I only opened the Arturia VST to double check that the SparkLE was ok.
I moved jmidi.jar to:
Program Files (x86)/Cycling '74/Max6.1/Cycling '74/java/lib

and jmidi-demo.maxpat to:
Program Files (x86)/Cycling '74/Max6.1/patches/extras

So no need to hack the max path. This seems to work.

However, the live.object doesn't return a valid object (I enabled debugging to see this, and confirm the java stuff is found in the classpath). So it doesn't look like my SparkLE is found. The MIDI port is disabled for everything in Ableton, and the Arturia VST works fine. :(
On windows 7 x64 pro, with Ableton 9, Max 6.1.2

I tried installing the .jar and .maxpat into
.../Cycling '74/Max6.1/patches/user

And set my path in max to point there. The device loads, and no warnings pop up, but it doesn't seem to detect my SparkLE. So I dug up some info on jmidi.jar, and saw some outdated recommendations to install into

But still no go. From the command line, java -version reports
"1.6.0_21" (Java SE runtime, 64-bit server)

Any ideas? I love the idea of this patcher, especially with Mira support!! Thanks for putting in the time to make this sequencer...the Arturia sequencer is a pig on CPU if I just want it to control other devices.