Comments by johnmfisk

Hi @bentropy, it's been a couple years since I've programmed in M4L. I gifted the Kaossilator Pro to my nephew (a really talented and enthusiastic musician) and I'm mostly using Bitwig Studio now, rather than Live. Since Bigwig doesn't support M4L, I haven't been programming much this past year.

If memory serves me correctly, you shouldn't have too much trouble adapting this to the KP3. You'll need the documentation for the device - most importantly, the CC numbers and ranges, which should be readily available. Korg is really good about that.

Programming in M4L really isn't terribly difficult, but if you're just starting out, I'd suggest (a) watching a couple YouTube videos and (b) tearing apart a few M4L devices. Stick to simple ones - the ones that come stock with Ableton Live (assuming you have the studio version with Max4Live as part of the suite). There are some simple "demo" versions of devices in the M4L folder that I found really helpful when I was just getting started.

Hope this helps!

Good luck,
@SpacetimeLive - Thanks for the heads up! My free time is pretty limited at the moment, but I'll see what I can do. I'm guessing that the device simply fails to pass through the MIDI messages that it is not interested in. I'll try to get out an updated version as soon as I can. JMF
Hi PK,

Sorry to hear that you're having trouble getting this going - as you mentioned, it's a pretty simple set up. I'm not sure why this isn't working.

The hardware set up that I have used for this is:

- Kaossilator > USB > Computer
- Kaossilator > RCA (rear jacks) > Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 > Computer

Obviously, both the Kaossilator and Scarlett need to be configured in Ableton.

I don't know if that is any help, but that set up has worked well for me.

And as far as sharing code, the great news is: you already have it! What you need to do is open up in Max for Live. To do this, load the device, then click on the "device" icon (it looks vaguely like a transistor) at the top of the device window and that should open Max. You'll need to unfreeze the device and then open it for editing, but that exposes everything.

There's very little real programming involved, as you'll see -- it's mostly wiring control outputs to hardware inputs. Pretty simple. The Kaossilator Pro + documentation lists all of the CC commands that it will respond to.

Please feel free to mess around with it - if you find anything that needs correction, please let me know and I'll try to take care of it and upload a new device file. If you want to mod it and release it, feel free! All I would ask is simple attribution.

Good luck and let me know how things go.
Hi @katana, I use Live 10 Suite as well, so I think I can help with this. What you need to do is to create TWO tracks: the first is whatever MIDI pattern or output that you want to feed to the device, and the second is this device itself. You absolutely need two devices. Now, on the first track (the MIDI pattern), set the "MIDI To" option to the second track (the one with the Kaossilator device). You need to set it up this way -- it won't work if you simply put a MIDI source in front of the device in a chain. There has to be two tracks with the MIDI output from the first routed to the MIDI input of the second. Hope this helps!

Good luck!