Comments by mindlesstrx

It's not midi-mapable. Reason being that it uses a full SysEx transfer to update params, which cuts sound. So it's not really a performance surface. More for sound design.
Volts takes the 5 lowest bits and converts them into a value between 0 and 127 by multiplying each bit by the corresponding fader dial.
Updated! Check it out. You'll need to update and to download the mapper from here:
Not right now. I'll add a little modulation map that allows the midi notes from each device to be sent to any Live track. Will probably take me a week or so.
Looks like the issue some people are seeing with labels not rendering is a bug in earlier versions of live 10.1. Upgrade to latest version 10.1.9 and all should be good.
Sorry about the auto-correct. That should say Hatari!
Hi hater - what version of Max and Live are you using? Feel free to hit me up at with a screenshot.
When I try to load the presets I get a lot of static without playing a note. Digging deeper this seems to happen anytime Distortion is set to algorithm 1 with a value of more than 50%.
Seems like it is time to upload v2.0 which has these fixes and a few more features. Enjoy!
Roman747- can you share more details? Should work fine in Live 10.1 (that's what I am on)
Hatyn- The maximum output of the Volts module is 500. Up to 100 for each of the Pots. That's why I divide by 500. But as you've noticed it's very rare top reach this high, sine the pots would all have to be maxed out and you'd have to have Bits 1-5 all at 1 in the original sequence. Perhaps I should normalise it to the max of the 5 current pot settings rather than the theoretical max of the pots.

Re: the suggestions I agree. Will look at that.

PS - just uploaded a new version with a couple bug fixes and loop lengths less than 8.
Hi Rob - It should sync with the clock. What behaviour are you seeing?

Hatyn - fixed the SVG. Can you give me more info about the number change you had to make and why?