Comments by mlusk

oh and some handy infos:
Ableton Live 8.3.4
Max 5.1.9
MacOSX 10.8.2
guess most of it You know already still imho better to write it:

+ i missed a guideline - even a few words would help as it took me some time to find out what is all about.

+ after pushing the "Presets" button at first shows up "Storage Slots" which purpose I don't get, and behind it there is the Storage Slots window

+ the pDevices and pOptions buttons need double mouse click
+ in pOptions window "save" and clear don't close after clicking ok, didn't try other options.
+ "save" option doesn't respond to cancel and sometimes even saving returns the browser window
+ don't get the " Send to Instrument" section (the blue one) as chosing bank/preset from above works fine for managing the presets
+ in automation section of clip view the device doesn't show up, I've found the way to around this problem by setting the device into midirack and mapping bank/preset numbers to macros - works fine, but if You adjust macro knob to fast the device loses control and You may end for instance with macro knob on 128 while the bank/preset number is set to 110, which doesn't matter when You want it just to set those in the clip.

Additional ideas:
+ it would be just great to have an option to name each preset and bank, like: bank #1 bass drums, bank #2 pad and so on.

+ is it possible to have a midi mapping saved inside the presets as well?

Beside these the device seems just brilliant especially the save option and I'm considering puting it into my default instrument rack package as native ableton plugs lack of the preset management.

I'll keep checking this machine and if You're interested in my opinions on it I'll be happy to help You in development (unfortunatelly I'm able to do it only as a end user at the momment though).

Just found this machine and testing - looks just like the thing I'm looking for.

Found some minor troubles, so if You're into getting info on that - let me know.