Comments by mmckmusic

Great advice, thank you! I will check that tomorrow for sure. I did find a work around of sorts by using the 'send' button within the M4L device to forward the settings to the synth, this was successful. However, it's predicated upon the device registering the changes from the synth in the first place (which I wasn't doing at one point). Seems very odd though, Live is clearly receiving the MIDI info from the Nymphes in that scenario but somehow needing a further prompt of the same data back to the synth in order to complete the chain. Will let you know if I find a solution incase it's of use to you or anyone else reading this.


Hi, unfortunately, it's back to the same issues now and seems to be intermittent (though now I am unable to get any response after 1 program change from M4L). Not really sure what it might be, I doubt I could send the unit back to distributor on the basis of interaction with a 3rd party software. Oh well, I guess manual control will just have to do it!



Thanks for coming back to me one more time and for verifying everything. I took your advice, global reset, firmware 2.1 install, double-check all MIDI settings within the Nymphes and then rebooted the computer. Very glad to say it appears to have worked!

So, once more, thank you for your time and for making this great little device available in the first place; it's a huge service to all Nymphes owners, really opens the synth and to be able to store settings in the DAW is amazing.

Very best,


Thanks again for coming back to me. I was doing all of the above but decided to update to firmware v2.1 to see if that made a difference. Some strange results!

- With firmware v2.0 I can make MIDI program changes from M4L. The audio feeding through from the Nymphes reflects the program change but there is no visual feedback in the M4L device in terms of dials changing value to reflect the selected patch. I can make alternations to the controls in M4L and these are reflected by the sound from the synth. Moving a slider on the synth has no impact on the M4L visual in terms of dial movement.

- With v2.1 I can initially trigger audio from the synth but as soon as I make a program switch from M4L the synth becomes unresponsive in terms of outputting sound. However, all dials on the M4L device update each time I make a program switch to (I can only assume) reflect the preset settings on the synth. Additionally, I can control the M4L dials with the synths sliders (again with no sound output).

Very odd. As a last ditch effort I downgraded the firmware on the synth from v2.1 to v2.0 again but, unfortunately, the issues were consistent (prog switching and dial control of synth possible in M4L but no visual updating of dials in M4L when a new patch is selected on the synth).

I'm on Live 11.2.10 if that's any use.

Real shame as if I could get the M4L device to update visually and trigger the synth I'd happily pay for this software :) Please let me know if you find a bug and fix it or if you have any other ideas as to what might be going wrong.

Thanks again!

Hi, thank you kindly for coming back to me and apologies for not responding sooner (I didn't receive an alert and just so happened to check back!).

Unfortunately, I can't seem to elicit this response from the device. I have the Nymphes connected to the computer via USB and am able to get M4L to change the program on the instrument. I can also alter the instrument using the M4L controls but, unfortunately, these appear in their initialised state at all times unless I alter them manually.

If there was any additional material you might be able to point me in the direction of I'd be most grateful as to have the functionality you've described above would be a game changer!

Thanks again,


Thanks so much for making this device, it's so helpful in using the Nymphes!

One question if I may; is it possible for the device to receive and store the settings from a patch in Nymphes so it can act as a stand alone save? For example, if I load one of the factory presets, can I force the device to display the parameters of the patch?

Many thanks,
