Comments by nev101

Both appear to be working again since upgrading to l11.3.10 :)
So not sure if unique to me or something has been fixed in latest Ableton update.
Hi, have tried to get in touch via purchase email but no joy.
This currently insta crashes Live 11.3.4 Windows 10 PC.
Unfortunately HarmFarm does too :(
Really miss these as they are both excellent, hence my post here in the hope that they may be a quick fix! :)
For me, the vb.mi.rings~ file was missing when looking in the console.
You can download from the above and patch in.
Thanks, suspected may be the case. Have added JRE into paths in max but no joy yet. Will have a play with a few more things.
If I get working will report back.
Hi there, intrigued to try this but I don't get any output going to the included rack (or if I use an external vst etc).
Downloaded the latest version here also don't see the images as in the screenshots ? Any tips appreciated. (win 10 latest Java / latest live)
Many thanks and look forward to version2!
Really enjoying this but seems to be sporadically working for me - can't fathom why or what i'm doing wrong.

Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter how many times I press new or start the sequencer I get no output ? I can get a burst of sound by clicking new, but it doesn't seem to then run the sequence...I have transport running.

Any ideas appreciated
Ahh user error ;)

Many thanks, hadn't set the output to the launchpad.
Hi, should this work on a Launchpad S ? Doesn't seem to for me.
Hi, should this work on a Launchpad S ? Doesn't seem to for me.
Love this - joyful to use.
Ignore does work on Launchpad S - missed the step about spaces between letters - doh! Thanks very much for this much fun.
Doesn't seem to work on Launchpad S sadly - random lights or none at all.