Comments by pizu123

P.S.2. OK, thinking out loud here. I think I figured out now what the MIDI button does (wish it was explained in the description!). For those who wonder, it essentially plays the pattern for the duration of the midi note entered. So, if you enter a midi note for half the duration of a bar, it will play the pattern for that long and then stop. It's a cool feature for "inserting" the pattern into different parts of the bar.
However, it would still be immensely cool to have a mode when the sequencer can be progressed with each successive midi note from the midi clip. Or at least a simple "swing" setting, failing that.
P.S. Just tried opening it in Max and modifying it as per my comment above. What's up with the scrambled patch in the patching view?
I just bought the device. I was under the impression through reading the comments that the MIDI button allows for the sequencer to be progressed with MIDI notes. But in fact, it seems the sequencer is re-synced when it receives a MIDI note.
That's a shame, because I was hoping to add some swing to the patterns by using MIDI clip with swung patterns.
Any chance that could be implemented as a feature?
I love creating custom swing patterns (by shifting microtiming manually, not just a swing %) and would love if steps in this sequencer could be progressed with midi notes (acting as trigs/gates). What do you think?
Q - Stages mode runs for x number of stages, so depending on the number of ticks this is variable.
Fixed mode runs for a fixed number of tickets...a bit confused why it's limited to say 4 stages for 16 ticks, which means that at times the sequencer will go back to stage 1 to fill up the remaining ticks until 16 is reached.
Can you add another mode, so that it continues onto subsequent stages (e.g. stage 5 and 6) to fill those needed ticks? i.e. it's not limited to the number of stages specified?
Hi, Fantastic reboot! Congrats! btw, I've made a few nice tweaks to the device (randomization of divisions, ticks and control for max number of tics, mode) and added control over max pitch randomization, as well as auto-incrementing the preset number when a Save Preset is hit (this speeds up the workflow). Let me know if you're interested in the alterations. Would be happy for you to have them.
Is there a way to lock the chord, so it doesn't constantly change?
Hi! Great device.
Have you thought of rewriting it a little bit so that it spits out continuous float numbers (or even sig-) not integers? I'm getting a bit of a glitch/steppy behaviour when I map it to a synth. Just a thought. Cheers for a great device.
@mganss "Mute Sequencer device" - great suggestion. I've read in the comments that you've made a mappable version of this device. Any chance you could share it?
Your devices are some of my most fav devices in Max. So well thought out and useful. Like even having a swing start at 50% is the better way to implement swing, I know instantly how much swing is applied and in which direction. Briil.
Hey man, thanks so much for these updates! Brilliant and quick work. Cheers
It would be very nice if the random has a range (a low and high setting) between which to randomize.

+1 this is the most important feature I'd like to see
Oh man. Thank you so much for this. This pretty much addresses all my needs. Storing of patterns is just brilliant. and you've added more sequences and fixed the number of steps (previously only applied to the first pattern). Sweet!
P.S. If you find the time to switch the sequences on/off (e.g. by clicking on the Note scales on the left), that'd be the cheery on top. Amazing work!
Feature 2 request, if possible: a way to make less dense patterns in terms of number of gates. This is a tricky thing to implement because most good sparse sequences are sort of clustered (a few notes one after each other), then a pause, then some more notes, etc. So it's not just "half the density" but also "clustering notes together", if that makes sense. Cheers.
Hey. Amazing work! So many great features. And the sequences are coming out sounding amazing. Really enjoying the plugin.
Q - What does the Temp knob do? Can't seem to figure it out.
The feature I'd like to see is a way to "shift" a pattern left or right. Sometimes, a more interesting pattern will be generated that doesn't start on 1, especially if you listen to it without a beat/metronome. I can do this by capturing the MIDI into a clip and shifting things around but it'd be much easier if the plugin had a way of shifting the sequence left right with a button or two. Thanks.
P.S. Don't want to spoil the fun and enjoyment of coding and contributing to open source development with money, but do let know if you'd like me to shoot you some coffee money donation as a token of gratitude. more feature...this is a biggie actually...
So, I use Zularic not just for drums but as a rhytmic foundation of creating a melody (by randomizing the note pitch of say C1 sequence you get get some interesting melodies). I usually just need one of the sequences running in that case, e.g. the C1 sequence. So I need to insert a MIDI funnel plugin after Zularic to ignore all the other notes. Wondering if the four Zularic sequences can be turned off/on individually if needed. If that's not hard to code, that'd be a massive help.
Feel bad about making all of these requests mate, but you're doing great work and that often spurs more work. Thanks.
Hey buddy. Thanks for commenting back :) Really appreciated.
Thanks for taking up on the offer to add the readout.

So, in terms of saving presets...I wanted to also use Zularic as a bank of patterns of sorts. I have many beat patterns/midi patterns, that are in individual MIDI clips (I use them to generate drums). I was thinking of just inputting these patterns into Zularic and saving them as a device. So that in a different session, project, etc, I can just load up Zularic and my customs patterns would be there.
So Zularic would become a device that can store any patterns for future use.
I'm just not sure if the device or Max allows for saving presets as you would with commercial plugins (say you create a preset ofr Massive, save it, then start a new project, load up Massive, and the preset is still there). The patterns would probably be need to be written to some table/file/storage.etc. Hope this makes sense.
P.S. Also the save preset button doesn't seem to work. It saves the pattern for that session, but when you remove the device and re-load it, the pattern is no longer there.
Thanks for this device. Very useful!
Mine doesn't seem to record MIDI though when I send the triggers to a different MIDI track, when I hit record on that track no notes are recorded, even though the sliders show MIDI coming through. So strange. Any ideas why?
This is a fantastic sequencer. Love Zularic.
I just have one is possible to add a count of number of active steps in each sequence, e.g. to the right of the left and right arrow buttons?
I'm asking as I often use the zularic for melody generation, e.g. combining it with a turing machine, and there I set how long my sequence needs to be.
So, if the C1 sequence has, say, 5 active hits in a 16 hit sequence, then I can easily know to set my Turing sequence to 5 or 10, etc.
The counting of steps takes a bit of time, as you have to switch from making music to counting, which throws me off.
This count for each sequences could be done in a very subtle way (small font, grey colur) - just something that would indicate the value.
Many thanks and hope you'll consider the addition.
Hey buddy
Awesome device! Congrats.
Any chance you could update the device with the two following suggestions already mentioned:
- position reset on stop
- note held for the duration
That'd be massively helpful.