Comments by poplesz

Hi, Thank you for this great cpu-saver.
I noticed one missing feature, which would come really handy:
It doesn't work with grouped tracks if I put this on the main track of the group.
Can that be implemented?

Thank you.
Thank you for the feedback.
Hi, this looks cool, and I was actually looking for something like this, maybe you can help me out:
I am looking for a solution where when I record a quantized audio or midi clip I can drop a device on it and this device will let the clip play then chop off a bit from the end of the clip and puts it in the front and let it play again. - size of bits defined by the user: 1/64, 1/32, /16, /8, /4 or even other sizes...
and also it should work when the clip is looped - so when the clip has been played it gets another chop which will be put in the front and the loop goes on and on...

Would be an interesting option to have it on the other way around as well, maybe with a selector: chop from the end / chop from the beginning (and put it at the end)

Is there a solution for that for both audio and midi clips?

Thank you.
Hi, both green switches are awesome,
However there is one thing which was not working, when I tried:
Let's say that I have grouped a midi and a audio track and I them switches to their corresponding tracks.
If I deactivate the group bus-track the switches won't follow that deactivation but if I deactivate each track in the separately in the group, they will follow and deactivate the devices on the track.
Question: Would it be possible to make it work for the group bus-track too? - so them switches would follow group bus-track deactivation?

Thank you very much and great job.