Comments by scottc52

Sure, but you could make it more universally useful by doing those conversions.

According to this doc:
You should only have to worry about three different parameter types:
integer: integer values with a range of up to 256 values (default 0-255)
floating-point: floating point values (no range restriction)
enum: an enumerated list of items

Also, if you do implement the floating window idea, I would also suggest making a variant that has 16 knobs arranged in 4x4, since that's a fairly popular controller format (i.e.
After some testing. There seems to be some sort of bug where when you change the value of the knobs, it tries to map the cc value of the knob to the value of the target parameter instead of mapping to the range of the target paramter. i.e. if a parameter value goes from 0-10, all of the changes happen in a tiny portion of the knob that maps to cc values 0-10. It also seems to be broken for anything whose parameter value isn't a pure integer number. It seems to even be broken for parameters that have "%" in the value.
You can see all of this by testing with the built-in "Compressor" device. I'm also using the latest version of Ableton Live 12.
Hi, I made an account, just so I can leave this comment. This util looks almost exactly like something I've been looking for for a long time.
I want to use this utility as a way of seeing what params are mapped to my hardware controller with 8 knobs.
Would you be willing to make a version of this that opens up in a floating window like this:
That way I can have it open on my second monitor at all times.