Comments by techbuzz

Here is an updated link for the files.
HI Tom,

It has to do with how max handles the send and receive objects. I am not sure how this would be fixed. The patch is free and open so you can edit it for your specific needs. I only have one Mopho and never ran into this problem. There are multiple send receives in this patch so they would all need to be modified to fix the problem you are seeing.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for commenting. The link is updated.

Sorry it breaks your other device. It works perfectly fine for me in my setup. I decided to share it for FREE incase it would help someone else. It is FREE to edit. That is the entire point of m4l by the way. You post a device for others and they can do what they want with it. So edit away. You could always buy the paid version from soundtower. The device loads all parameters in the patch to send a sysex message to the Pro 2 to match the patch in Ableton on loading. This is why it takes so long. If you remove all the java, which is only a few files, just the max objects alone take forever to load. There is no way around loading that many objects. I am not a java programmer. It was the only way I could figure out how to do the sysex part of the patch. It works. There are literally hundreds of parameters in this synth. Every thing else is basic Max.

I would love to see a efficient version. Feel free to have your friend edit the code and send it back or post it.
Hello vertibration,

I don't own a Moog Sub 37. I make these interfaces for synths I own. If you want to loan me one I will gladly make you an interface and return the synth to you. : )
Fixed the device so it should save the curve when the live set is saved or the device is saved as a standalone device.

Thank you. Right now it will not import the patch that is loaded on the instrument. This works one way right now. The patches are stored in Ableton when you save this in a track. For it to work like you are asking I need to read the patch out of the PRO 2 and interpret this data. This could be done. That is what the sound tower VST does. There would need to be a request patch button or something like that. I write the data that is in this patch now when it is loaded into Ableton.

Thanks for the comment. I have not tried multiple instances of this tool. I did match this tool vs LFO tool side by side to see if the resulting output was the same and it was very close. That is all the testing I did.
Great Device.
Am I missing something? This device does not convert anything to CC. I tried a simple PitchBend to CC1 and it doesn't do anything but pass the pitchbend data through.

The jxf.jit file contains all of the patch names and parameters. It is the file that stores everything. You need to put that file locally on your computer and edit the patch internally to always look at that location. After you have edited the location in the max programing environment you then have to save the patch in Max. This is so that new file location path is saved. That way next time you load the patch it pulls all the data from that file into Max and you have all of the patches.

You first need to unfreeze the max patch in Max and then unlock it so that you can edit this message in that sub patcher. So for example it is for me this

read "Main HD:/Users/Brian/Documents/Voyager Sysex Project/All Banks matrix File.jxf.jit"

You would need to edit this to be like below
read "Main HD:/Users/Mprod/Documents/Voyager Sysex Project/All Banks matrix File.jxf.jit"

After you have edited the message, save and lock and freeze the patch. It should now read from that file overtime you create a new instance of the patch.

Hope this helps.


I see what you are seeing. For whatever reason the banks are off by one. Bank A ends up in B and G ends up in A. Banks G is all Defaults in my Voyager.

So, I exported each bank separately from my Voyager and the link is available as a zip file to download.

This is each bank exported from the Voyager to Sysex Librarian. So one file per bank.

I then tested importing the files back into the Voyager after a factory sound restore. I had to do the following to get it correct.

1) Set Voyager to receive presets. Make sure you are on the bank you want to receive presets. A in this example to start.
2) Send that bank from Sysex librarian to the Voyager.
3) Get the Voyager into bank B. Set Voyager to receive presets. Send Bank B sysex from Sysex librarian to Voyager.

Repeat for all banks.

Why it works likes this I don't understand as from the SoundTower editor I can push all banks. I noticed that if I just leave the Voyager in receive presets mode that whatever the last bank is that gets transmitted is the one that is loaded into that bank. I think this is why Bank A was all default. This is my Bank G.

Hopefully this gets the patches aligned for you.


That sysex file should be all banks and patches. I believe that on he Voyager you can choose to receive all banks. I use on a Mac Sysex librarian. That should allow you to send the file to he Voyager.

Getting all your patches from your Voyager into this patch I think you would need the sound tower librarian. It outputs the files one at a time. When you dump all patches from the Voyager it outputs the patches in one large file that I don't know how to decipher.

Are you using a Mac or a PC?

That sysex file should be all banks and patches. I believe that on he Voyager you can choose to receive all banks. I use on a Mac Sysex librarian. That should allow you to send the file to he Voyager.

Getting all your patches from your Voyager into this patch I think you would need the sound tower librarian. It outputs the files one at a time. When you dump all patches from the Voyager it outputs the patches in one large file that I don't know how to decipher.

Are you using a Mac or a PC?

Thank you for creating this device. I used it as a start to create one that has patch memory in it. You have to import all the banks into the patch to work but you can then control the patch change from Live and have all the parameters match in live and on the Voyager. Check out the device and code if you would like.

I have not implemented a system that if you change a parameter it saves the patch in Live and on the Voyager yet.

Thank you for sharing your device.


Take a look at this device.

Put it in front of mine and set it up for the proper NRPN numbers for the sequencer. These values are listed in the manual. I have not used it but if you use multiple instances you probably can get the extra functionality that you want. Since you only want to control from Live to a Mopho this might work without you having to dive into max to hard. Then just map to regular Live knobs and you are good to go.

Or strip out what you want to use as a building block for your own custom device. That is how I got started with max.

I highly suggest you try to learn max it is a great programming environment and is very easy to learn. The help system is top notch. That will allow you to create and modify anything you want.


The only way I know how to make the step sequencer mappable would be to change it to knobs. Not a multi slider like I have now. I personally don't like that for the step sequencer. I wanted to make this look like the sound tower tool when I originally designed it. To do this would require that entire module of the code to be reprogrammed. I personally don't want to do that. Sorry.

If you have never programmed in max it would be a good first project to try. Build a 16knob per sequencer module in front of this device. That would give you want your want. All the NRPN code is available in this patch to reuse. So you wouldn't have to figure all of that out yourself.

Not every item in this device is mappable. Nearly everything that is can be accessed via push. Menu items are not allowed for whatever reason to be mappable to live. This is not my device. It is a limitation of M4L or Live itself. The same problem exists on the device you linked to. The filter is a menu item. It is not mappable. I believe this is a feature request that would like to be added by users.

If you want you can change the mapping to your liking. This is the beauty of free open devices like this. Open the device and when it is open in Max goto to the View-> Parameters menu. This will pull up all the parameters in the device. Menu items will show and you can type in a number but it will then return to zero. Anything that is mappable the number will stick. The banks on Push show from low number to high number. So if you want you can change this to your liking.

Hope this helps.

It is inside the patch still. There is a toggle button connected to a gate that is connected to a blue send object next to the NRPN routing. This is only visible at the moment inside the patch in the editing environment. I never deleted it I just removed it from the presentation. If you want to add it back just make the toggle available in the presentation. The functionality is still there and it still works.

I setup a midi track with only a input from the Mopho and then have this device in the track and an external instrument device after it sending to the Mopho on Ch1. I then have the external instrument device set to the audio input for the Mopho. If you change a setting on the Mopho the patch changes. I do this through USB. If you want to use an external device as well you would want to either route the MIDI in an Ableton track from the device to the Mopho track. Or, us a 5pin MIDI cable connected to the MIDI in on the Mopho on the same channel. This might cause a contention situation through if Ableton send data to the Mopho and the same parameter from another controller sends the same parameter as well.

I uploaded a new version that should work now. I also made a short video on how to load the sysex file into the patch and deal with the matrix file import. I also made a short video on how to do this. Hope this helps

When you drag and drop the matrix file that just writes internally where the file is. if you dragged the file into the box it should be fine. You can tell if the entire sysex has been read properly if you change the patch number and the name shows up and the parameters change.

When you drag and drop the matrix file that just writes internally where the file is. if you dragged the file into the box it should be fine. You can tell if the entire sysex has been read properly if you change the patch number and the name shows up and the parameters change.

Try it now. Please delete the device you have and re-download the device. I uploaded a fix. I missed a connection when I cleaned up the patch before exporting. Sorry. It should be fixed now.


Are you on a PC or Mac? It should open a finder or explorer window and allow you to select a sysex file. Does this not happen at all? This is a native function to Max for the file read object. I will look at my patch and see what I can find.
Robocop. My next release will have the text on the sequencer destinations fixed.
Glad you like the patch Bjoern.

I am working slowly on a new version that has patch memory without using Sysex. One thing that bothers me is that when I flip through presets on the Mopho itself the patch doesn't change with it. I use presets most times to get started then tweak from there to make the sound I like. So, I hope to have a working version that when the preset changes on the Mopho, the patch reflects all of these changes. This does not use Sysex, rather I built a internal database with all the parameters. You can import your banks library and that way it is custom to everyone.

I hope to get this version working by the end of the year sometime.


What values are you talking about in the step sequencer?

What values are you talking about in the step sequencer?

Thanks for the feedback. I fixed the problem. I forgot to add a send object to all of OSC1 when reorganizing the patch. All should work now.

I do not have the Mopho just the Mophox4 keyboard but I would expect the midi mapping to be the exact same since all they added was the ability to play more notes at the same time. I highly doubt that they changed the midi mapping drastically. The code inside this patch could be easily modified if needed. Nothing is locked and changing and midi number for something would be rather easy.

I hope this answers your question.
Can you please describe in more detail what you mean by unpredictably? They work just fine for me. If I change the tempo from the patch it updates the Mopho just fine. If I adjust the tempo from the Mopho the patch gets updated. The value is not jumping around and is solid for me. The sequencer is working for me as well. I can adjust each sequencer no problem for each value and the destination changes. If you adjust it from the Mopho the patch will not update.

Patch memory would be nice but I could not figure out a good way to do it in max to make it easy to use. Maybe with 6 there are some new features I could use to do this. But I have not installed it yet.
Your welcome. Thank you for commenting. I am glad you like it.
Last time I checked MIDI control of parameters on the tempest has not been implemented yet. Maybe in the next rev of firmware DSI will implement MIDI CC and NRPN control over the tempest. Then, if someone can lend me a tempest I could max a device for it :)