Comments by tsutek

Oh.. It seems that the notepad works even when the patch is disabled in Live - so keep it disabled at all times to save CPU :)
Thanks for this! tip: disable the patch after writing text to conserve CPU ;)

Works as advertised. Thanks for this one!
Works as advertised. Thanks for this one!
Thanks for this one! I

had a small issue with updating the modmax value through the numberbox, it didn't update the modamp boundaries..

Well, I just inserted a bang in between modmax value boxes, so now it updates both min and max through the numberboxes :p

crude, and stutters when adjusting the modmax numberbox val, but works for me!

Thanks again.. a very techno device, this one :D
Thanks for this, brilliant!

One question though: the AUX CC value seems to reset when I reload the session.. Any way to persistently store the CC value?

In any case, examining your patch will be a godsent ;)
