Comments by willum070

Hey cool, I did a Haas effect device a while ago: I like your idea for spectral L/R differences!
Hi Christian, great device! I think fiddle~ would be fun to use in generative patches as well. Just curious, where did you pick up the Windows version? All I can find online is OSX. Thanks!
Radical! I just ordered a Meeblip micro, this'll come in handy.
The volume control issue and several others have been fixed with 0.4. Enjoy!
Hey, I caught your write-up on CDM, nice job! Great videos too. Your devices have provided loads of inspiration for me to hook up my Evolution uc-33 in crazy new ways.
Thanks for another excellent device!
Thanks for the awesome patches Christian! One question, I was poking around in the "freezetime" effect, and found a patcher named "weird". Looks like a way to continuously increment a series of 16 numbers? Was this hooked up to freezetime at some point? Just curious about your intentions for this particular p.
OCD43 in 2011! WOOOOOO!!!!
Thanks for trying it. I didn't want to be too blatant about duplicating Axon since I have a license for that anyway. As I used Axon I found myself wishing I could use those parameters to control other things besides just the rhythm, so this version is a starting point. Also it embraces the idiosyncrasies of Max's scheduler timing. If I can manage to avoid getting distracted i'd like to explore using it to trigger other types of automation, and maybe add a swing feature (destined to be as imperfect as it can be). The individual neuron cells expose send/receive, so they can easily be rerouted in a number of ways.
...anyway I do agree with you. I would add a link about the people who got trampled to death christmas shopping at walmart.
With all due respect I think you're mocking yourself here. First of all, this is an inappropriate forum (with the possible exception of being a sort of a tutorial on using or misusing the Max LaunchBrowser message). What good is a deluge of browser windows? That's the same technique used by warez and porn sites, so it's a conceptually offensive thing to do. If someone actually clicks the button and sets off your device they will be more intent on shutting down the process than reading anything you have to say. If you want people to hear what's on your mind, why not just say it? At this point my conclusion is that here is yet another intelligent person who is frustrated with the current state of affairs. Well, join the club brothers and sisters! The human species is a flawed organism. My personal opinion is that we have much more power in our own minds than we can possibly be aware of. Focus your positive intention! Create an oscillator that resonates based on harmonic solar frequencies! Send out waves of peace, join all of the other people who do this each day. Envision blanketing the earth in waves of positive energy. Attune your perception to a subtler level. You can't change the CIA or make Fox News go away, but you CAN have an effect simply through your own thought.
Something I discovered by accident is that if you use TWO midi tracks, you can record automation in session mode. Here is how: Create two midi tracks. Name one "send". Put your desired instrument into the other. On the instrument track set midi "from" to receive the send track. Arm both tracks. Record your midi clips on the instrument track. Now you can record all the automation you want. It's a little cumbersome, but it works.