Comments by FourCandles

Hey Guillaume,

Wishing you happiness in your new home!

Many thanks for getting back so fast and I look forward to the updates :)

Hey Guillaume,

What an incredible M4L device, thank you so much!

I read Edouard's points about Lane Automation; this would be a 'game changer' for me on this plug in too if it was indeed possible (I'd also probably do away with my Patch Editor hardware...). That said, I do not have the knowledge to understand which parameters to change (i.e the live.numbox parts) in M4L to make this a possibility. I've changed up to 8.5.2 within Live, for reference.

Are there any plans to update the plug to enable labnel automation. If not, would you be able to point me in the right direction to make these changes as a test?

Many thanks,
