Comments by TenSquare

Hello everyone !

Many of you have asked me to implement parameter automation in Ableton Live for my Matrix-1000 Editor. After more than a year of absence in the comments of this page (and I apologize for that), here is a v1.0.1 update of my device allowing to automate the synth parameters in Live.

I was able to do some fairly conclusive quick tests but not the complete tests that I would have liked to do, because I no longer really have the time or energy to complete this project. I am counting on your cooperation to report any bugs to me. ;)

Please keep in mind that the Matrix-1000 is not very responsive to incoming SysEx messages, except for about twenty parameters optimized using the TaunTek EPROM :

If you notice audio glitches when automating certain parameters in Live, this is probably normal and unfortunately I won't be able to really improve things given the response time of the machine...

Hoping that this update, long awaited by all, gives you satisfaction ! :)

All the best from France.

Hi Kris,

Thank you very much for your interest and your very positive feedback regarding my Matrix-1000 Editor, I really appreciate it ! :)

I'm starting to get a few requests for an update to my device so that we can automate the editor settings in Ableton Live. I promised a few people that I will try to find the time to do this update.

In principle, it's not very complicated, but I still have to redo complete tests with the Matrix-1000, in order to be certain that the device works as expected...

For the moment it's a bit complicated for me because I have just moved into my new place of life, but I will get back to developing my MIDI editor soon !

All the best from France.

Hello Edouard,
Thank you very much for your very positive feedback, it's a pleasure! :)
The issue you're talking about is exactly why I disabled the ability to automate my editor settings in Live. This is a limitation of Max when used with JS, up to version 8.3.1 I believe. I reported this to the development team at Cycling '74, they have since fixed it. So you should be able to automate my editor settings in Live and send the corresponding SysEx commands to the Matrix-1000 provided you install Max version 8.3.2 or higher ;)
Hi Pramster,
That's a bit strange...
Are you able to edit the Matrix parameters values ?
Can you make a test and try to send a program change to the Matrix, starting from an empty Ableton Live set and using a simple MIDI track and a MIDI clip. You can set the program change number in the Clip window, it will be sent when you launch the clip.
Let me know.
Hi Stiebz,
I'm glad you finally got my Matrix-1000 Editor to work with Live 11.2 and your MIDI interface. :)
Have fun !
Hi Slorrin,
Looks like SysEx messages are not getting through and only program changes are taken into account.
What version of Live and Max are you using?
What MIDI interface do you use?
Hello dear users!
Would you be motivated to make a short video to show us how you program your Oberheim Matrix-1000 with my Max for Live editor, post it on YouTube and give us the link here?
Thank you all so much for your positive feedback and encouragement!
Good kisses from France.
Hello Victor,
Je suis ravi que tu aies finalement réussi à faire fonctionner mon device dans ton setup. Juste pour savoir, tu utilisais quelle version de Max précédemment ?
Amuse-toi bien, et n'hésites pas à donner ton retour d'expérience utilisateur ici ! ;)
- - -
Hello Victor,
I'm glad you finally got my device working in your setup. Just to know, which version of Max did you use previously ?
Have fun, and don't hesitate to give your user experience feedback here! ;)
Hi Lorenzo,
Thank you for your comment. I have made a special effort to write my user documentation, I hope it will help you to make my device work with your Matrix-1000 under Live 10 & Windows 10. Let me know when you're done :)
Have fun !
Hi Elliot,
The world is small ! :)
I'm really happy to know that my device works well under macOS Monterey and the latest versions of Max and Ableton Live. A good point !
I myself had started the development of the Matrix-1000 Editor via the original Oberheim EPROM v1.11. It's true that the processing of SysEx messages is a little slow... I then equipped the synth with the TaunTek EPROM, it was night and day! You should feel quite a difference when you receive yours, it's much smoother, especially on the filter movements! Thank you for your positive comment on my documentation, I took pains ;)
Have fun !
Hi Elliot,
I'm really happy that you like my MIDI editor for the Matrix 1000. :)
I hope you'll use it to create lots of new sounds and fully explore the potential of your synth, it's one hell of a machine!
Were you able to successfully operate the device in Ableton Live? Was my documentation useful to you ? What versions of Live and Max are you using?
Have fun ! ;)
All the best from France.
Hi Lorenzo,
What are the versions of your Ableton Live and Max softwares ? As explained in my user manual, you need will Live 10.1.30 and Max 8.1.8 to make the device work correctly.
Someone on Facebook has encountered exactly the same issue because he was using a previous Live version, I think it works for him now.
Thank you for your message and your very positive feedback, it's a pleasure ! :) Have you tried it yet ? Is everything working well ? Are you on Mac or PC ?